This was the most exciting sight of our whole 13 hour drive... awesome isn't it!
Go 49'ers!!!
Well everybody, it has happened! I have committed to something and actually followed through with it... haha! I have moved to Palo Alto, California and am having a great time so far. My first weekend was packed with lots of fun, unfortunately I was sick the first 3 days I was in Cali but I got better relatively quick. On Friday night Danen and I went to the first pre-season game of the San Francisco 49'ers! It was so much fun, we had great seats... and it wasn't as cold as I had anticipated. Danen laughed at me all night long wearing a long sleeve shirt, a tee-shirt, a sweat shirt, and topped it off with a scarf and it was the middle of August! But we live in the Bay area so it is always cool at night here! Saturday we went and saw The Time Traveler's Wife which I absolutely loved, we deemed it fair to see the ultimate chick flick due to the fact that we went to a football game the nigh before! I am posting some pics. of my house in East Palo Alto (EPA, also known as the ghetto of the Bay area.) Please don't google it... Holly will not like the stories she will read! haha! Enjoy the pics everyone! I will start blogging more now that I have left dear Happy Valley, I promise!
yeah... Cali's expensive... i need a job quickly! haha
The lovely look on my face after purchasing my very 1st tank of California's Gasoline... yikes!
(mine's the top bunk!)
Our lovely little townhome!
For Heidi
12 years ago